79,399 research outputs found

    Asymmetry of localised states in a single quantum ring: polarization dependence of excitons and biexcitons

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    We performed spectroscopic studies of a single GaAs quantum ring with an anisotropy in the rim height. The presence of an asymmetric localised state was suggested by the adiabatic potential. The asymmetry was investigated in terms of the polarization dependence of excitons and biexcitons, where a large energy di erence (0.8 meV) in the exciton emission energy for perpendicular polarizations was observed and the oscillator strengths were also compared using the photoluminescence decay rate. For perpendicular polarizations the biexciton exhibits twice the energy di erence seen for the exciton, a fact that may be attributed to a possible change in the selection rules for the lowered symmetry.Comment: accepted in Applied physics Letter

    Impact of Driving Cycles on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Fuel Economy for SI Car Real World Driving

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    The transport sector is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. This study investigated three greenhouse gases emitted from road transport: CO2, N2O and CH4 emissions as a function of engine warm up and driving cycles. Five different urban driving cycles were developed and used including free flow driving and congested driving. An in-vehicle FTIR (Fourier Transform Inferred) emission measurement system was installed on a EURO2 emission compliant SI (Spark Ignition) car for emissions measurement at a rate of 0.5 HZ under real world urban driving conditions. This emission measurement system was calibrated on a standard CVS (Constant Volume Sampling) measurement system and showed excellent agreement on CO2 measurement with CVS results. The N2O and CH4 measurement was calibrated using calibration gas in lab. A MAX710 real time in-vehicle fuel consumption measurement system was installed in the test vehicle and real time fuel consumption was then obtained. The temperatures across the TWC (Three Way Catalyst) and engine out exhaust gas lambda were measured. The GHG (greenhouse gas) mass emissions and consequent GWP (Global Warming Potential) for different urban diving conditions were analyzed and presented. The results provided a better understanding of traffic related greenhouse gas emission profile in urban area and will contribute to the control of climate change

    Excited exciton and biexciton localised states in a single quantum ring

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    We observe excited exciton and biexciton states of localised excitons in an anisotropic quantum ring, where large polarisation asymmetry supports the presence of a crescent-like localised structure. We also find that saturation of the localised ground state exciton with increasing excitation can be attributed to relatively fast dissociation of biexcitons (? 430 ps) compared to slow relaxation from the excited state to the ground state (? 1000 ps). As no significant excitonic Aharonov-Bohm oscillations occur up to 14 T, we conclude that phase coherence around the rim is inhibited as a consequence of height anisotropy in the quantum ring.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A particle swarm optimization based memetic algorithm for dynamic optimization problems

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    Copyright @ Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2010.Recently, there has been an increasing concern from the evolutionary computation community on dynamic optimization problems since many real-world optimization problems are dynamic. This paper investigates a particle swarm optimization (PSO) based memetic algorithm that hybridizes PSO with a local search technique for dynamic optimization problems. Within the framework of the proposed algorithm, a local version of PSO with a ring-shape topology structure is used as the global search operator and a fuzzy cognition local search method is proposed as the local search technique. In addition, a self-organized random immigrants scheme is extended into our proposed algorithm in order to further enhance its exploration capacity for new peaks in the search space. Experimental study over the moving peaks benchmark problem shows that the proposed PSO-based memetic algorithm is robust and adaptable in dynamic environments.This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No. 70431003 and Grant No. 70671020, the National Innovation Research Community Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 60521003, the National Support Plan of China under Grant No. 2006BAH02A09 and the Ministry of Education, science, and Technology in Korea through the Second-Phase of Brain Korea 21 Project in 2009, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/01 and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research Grants under Grant G-YH60

    The gradient of potential vorticity, quaternions and an orthonormal frame for fluid particles

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    The gradient of potential vorticity (PV) is an important quantity because of the way PV (denoted as qq) tends to accumulate locally in the oceans and atmospheres. Recent analysis by the authors has shown that the vector quantity \bdB = \bnabla q\times \bnabla\theta for the three-dimensional incompressible rotating Euler equations evolves according to the same stretching equation as for \bom the vorticity and \bB, the magnetic field in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The \bdB-vector therefore acts like the vorticity \bom in Euler's equations and the \bB-field in MHD. For example, it allows various analogies, such as stretching dynamics, helicity, superhelicity and cross helicity. In addition, using quaternionic analysis, the dynamics of the \bdB-vector naturally allow the construction of an orthonormal frame attached to fluid particles\,; this is designated as a quaternion frame. The alignment dynamics of this frame are particularly relevant to the three-axis rotations that particles undergo as they traverse regions of a flow when the PV gradient \bnabla q is large.Comment: Dedicated to Raymond Hide on the occasion of his 80th birthda

    Similarities and differences of pumping conventional and self-compacting concrete

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    In Practice, Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is Considered as a Simple Extension of Conventional Vibrated Concrete (CVC) When Pumping is Concerned. the Same Equipment, Materials, Pumping Procedures and Guidelines Used for CVC Are Applied When Pumping SCC. on the Other Hand, It Has Been Clearly Shown that the Rheological Properties and the Mix Design of SCC Are Different Than CVC. Can the Same Pumping Principles Employed for CVC Be Applied for SCC? This Paper Compares the Some Published Results of Pumping of CVC with Those for SCC. a First Striking Difference between Pumping of CVC and SCC is the Flow Behaviour in the Pipes. the Flow of CVC is a Plug, Surrounded by a Lubricating Layer, While during the Flow of SCC, Part of the Concrete Volume itself is Sheared Inside the Pipe. as a Result, the Importance of Viscosity Increases in Case of SCC. Due to the Low Yield Stress of SCC, the Behaviour in Bends is Different, But Quite Complex to Study. Due to the Lower Content of Aggregate and Better Stability of SCC, as It is Less Prone to Internal Water Migration, Blocking is Estimated to Occur at Lower Frequency in Case of SCC. © RILEM 2010

    Superrigid subgroups and syndetic hulls in solvable Lie groups

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    This is an expository paper. It is not difficult to see that every group homomorphism from the additive group Z of integers to the additive group R of real numbers extends to a homomorphism from R to R. We discuss other examples of discrete subgroups D of connected Lie groups G, such that the homomorphisms defined on D can ("virtually") be extended to homomorphisms defined on all of G. For the case where G is solvable, we give a simple proof that D has this property if it is Zariski dense. The key ingredient is a result on the existence of syndetic hulls.Comment: 17 pages. This is the final version that will appear in the volume "Rigidity in Dynamics and Geometry," edited by M. Burger and A. Iozzi (Springer, 2002

    Formulation and performance of variational integrators for rotating bodies

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    Variational integrators are obtained for two mechanical systems whose configuration spaces are, respectively, the rotation group and the unit sphere. In the first case, an integration algorithm is presented for Euler’s equations of the free rigid body, following the ideas of Marsden et al. (Nonlinearity 12:1647–1662, 1999). In the second example, a variational time integrator is formulated for the rigid dumbbell. Both methods are formulated directly on their nonlinear configuration spaces, without using Lagrange multipliers. They are one-step, second order methods which show exact conservation of a discrete angular momentum which is identified in each case. Numerical examples illustrate their properties and compare them with existing integrators of the literature

    Compact Drawings of 1-Planar Graphs with Right-Angle Crossings and Few Bends

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    We study the following classes of beyond-planar graphs: 1-planar, IC-planar, and NIC-planar graphs. These are the graphs that admit a 1-planar, IC-planar, and NIC-planar drawing, respectively. A drawing of a graph is 1-planar if every edge is crossed at most once. A 1-planar drawing is IC-planar if no two pairs of crossing edges share a vertex. A 1-planar drawing is NIC-planar if no two pairs of crossing edges share two vertices. We study the relations of these beyond-planar graph classes (beyond-planar graphs is a collective term for the primary attempts to generalize the planar graphs) to right-angle crossing (RAC) graphs that admit compact drawings on the grid with few bends. We present four drawing algorithms that preserve the given embeddings. First, we show that every nn-vertex NIC-planar graph admits a NIC-planar RAC drawing with at most one bend per edge on a grid of size O(n)×O(n)O(n) \times O(n). Then, we show that every nn-vertex 1-planar graph admits a 1-planar RAC drawing with at most two bends per edge on a grid of size O(n3)×O(n3)O(n^3) \times O(n^3). Finally, we make two known algorithms embedding-preserving; for drawing 1-planar RAC graphs with at most one bend per edge and for drawing IC-planar RAC graphs straight-line